The majority of adidas shoes will fit Move Game Day and Game Day Pro insoles true to size. For example, if your adidas sneakers are a Men’s Size 8, use the 8-8.5 insole. If you are a Women’s Size 9.5, use the W 9-9.5 or M 8-8.5 insole. Confirm your size by reviewing our size chart.
Most adidas shoes use a small amount of adhesive to keep the included insole attached to the shoe’s midsole. Typically, the adhesive is very light. You will be able to use your hands to easily pull the insole free of the shoe. Some adidas models, such as Kanye West’s Yeezy line and most adidas running shoes, don’t use any adhesive on the bottom of the insole.
Regardless of the type of adidas shoe you own, loosening the laces as much as possible will give you greater access to the inside of the shoe and make it easier to remove the standard insoles and switch to Move insoles. Once you’ve removed the stock insoles, carefully slide the Move insoles into your pair of adidas and position as needed. You’ll be able to swap out the old insoles for new Move insoles in less than 2 minutes. This makes it easy to use the same pair of Move insoles for multiple pairs of shoes.
Tip: If for some reason the adhesive on the bottom of the insole will not detach easily, use a hair dryer set to low heat to warm and loosen the adhesive.

The addition of a Move insole will slightly change the fit of your adidas sneakers. Your foot will sit slightly higher within the shoe, and depending on the upper materials, feel marginally tighter on foot. All insoles change the feel of a shoe on foot. Move insoles are designed to minimize those differences and help your adidas shoes fit better and more comfortably over the long term.
You will immediately feel the difference. Move insoles feature extra cushion, arch support and a frictionless top layer that molds to your foot. Move insoles protect your feet and assist in maintaining ideal biomechanics. You’ll feel the difference both while wearing Move insoles and when you take your shoes off after a long day.
Tip: Take your Move insoles with you when you try on new shoes. This ensures you get the proper fit no matter which shoe brand or model you buy.
Certain adidas shoes like the Harden 5 and N3XT L3V3L Futurenatural use removable midsoles. That means they have no insoles. We do not recommend using replacement insoles (including Move) with this type of shoe. The shoes were built without an insole so adding one can compromise the shoe’s fit and function.
After you’ve had a great experience replacing your adidas insoles with Move insoles, please leave us a review. If you have questions not answered here or any difficulties with your insoles, contact customer support here.