The Nike PG 6 may seem like a downgrade because of the removal of the full-length Nike Air strobel unit, but that’s not the case. The full-length React foam midsole feels great. But because of the chance you may want...
The Nike Air Max Impact 3 is one of the, if not the best, budget basketball shoes available today. It has a thick outsole that grips both indoors and outdoors. The cushion and support are solid but could easily be...
The Nike Kobe 6 Protro is an update to one of the most popular basketball sneakers of all time. The update and upgrade come in the cushion department. The Phylon is replaced with Cushlon, while the small Met Zoom Air...
The Nike Air Zoom GT Jump has cushion upon layers of cushion and solid support but the insole used is very basic. The entire experience can easily be improved with a Move insole. The Nike Air Zoom GT Jump fits...
The Nike KD 15 feels like an evolution from Kevin Durant’s previous signature shoe, the KD 14. Some features have been kept, like the plastic piece in the midfoot and the cushioning system. The strap, which didn’t do much anyway,...
Kevin Durant 的签名鞋 Nike KD 14 是一款出色的球场表现鞋。但是您可能需要更多支持。您可以通过将原始鞋垫更换为 Move 鞋垫来增加支撑。它们是完美的升级。 KD 14 适合 Move Game Day 和 Game Day Pro 鞋垫,尺寸真实。例如,如果您的鞋子是男士 14 码,请使用 14-14.5 鞋垫。 KD 14 包含一种轻质粘合剂,可将备用鞋垫连接到位于泡沫中底顶部的鞋子的 Zoom Air strobel 板。粘合剂不牢固,因此您可以用手轻松地将鞋垫从鞋子上拉下来。松开鞋带将有助于使切换更容易。卸下备用鞋垫后,您可以将 Move 鞋垫滑入鞋子并根据需要调整其位置。这就是过程。您将在 2 分钟内准备好使用 Move 鞋垫进行比赛。 有关拆卸和更换 Nike KD...